Include highly customizable text displays in your scenes to make them pop out even more!
Place a text into your scene.
- The text's index (ID). This determines their layer order.
You can also use a variable by clicking on the [...] next to the number
input box.
Position - Choose between Predefined and Calculated positioning to place your text into the scene.
Predefined allows to select one of the predefined positions configured in Database > System > Predefined Object Positions.
Calculated allows you to position the text by inputting the X and Y coordinates or through setting variables.
Duration - The duration of the show-animation in milliseconds.
Continue will make the scene immediately continue.
Wait will make the scene wait until the show-animation is done.
Effects - These options affect how the text will appear.
Easing sets the tween movement of the text. More information can be seen in Easing Effects page.
Animation sets the movement of the text.
Movement is the origin point of the text where it will appear from Left/Top/Right/Bottom.
Blending allows you to fade in the text.
Masking allows you to mask the text to a Masks file.
Display - Allows you to specify the display order and anchor for the text.
- Select the location of your anchor
point between top-left and center.
Setting the anchor to center is only important when the zoom and rotation
commands will used and will not affect positioning.
Position Anchor - Select the location of the position anchor-point. Setting the position anchor-point only affects the positioning but not the rotation or zoom anchor-point.
Z-Order - Sets the display order of the texts. You can also use a variable by clicking on the [...] next to the number input box.
Blend Mode - Determines how text are blended to the objects on the screen.
Normal is the standard blend mode.
Additive results the text to be applied in a lighter color.
Subtractive results the text to be applied in a darker color.
Viewport - The viewport the text will be assigned to. The viewport determines if the text gets affected by camera-movements or screen effects or not.
Scene - The text is assigned to the scene-viewport and behaves like an object which belongs to the scene so it gets affected by camera-movements and screen effects.
User Interface - The text is assigned to the ui-viewport and behaves like an object which belongs to the user interface so it doesn't get affected by camera-movements and screen effects.
Blends a textto the specified opacity.
Number - The text's index (ID) that you want to manipulate.
Opacity - The opacity.
Duration - The duration of the blend-animation.
Continue will make the scene immediately continue.
Wait will make the scene wait until the zoom animation is done.
Easing affects the blend animation. More information can be seen in Easing Effects page.
Manipulate the position of your text.
Number - The text's index (ID) that you want to manipulate..
Position - Choose between Predefined and Calculated positioning to set the destination of your text.
Predefined allows to select one of the predefined positions configured in Database > System > Predefined Object Positions.
Calculated allows you to position the text by inputting the X and Y coordinates or through setting variables.
Duration - The duration of the move-animation in milliseconds.
Continue will make the scene immediately continue.
Wait will make the scene wait until the move-animation is done.
Easing sets the tween movement of the text. More information can be seen in Easing Effects page.
Rotate your text at specified speed and direction.
Number - The text's index (ID) that you want to manipulate.
Direction - Set the text to rotate in clockwise or counterclockwise direction.
Speed - The speed of the rotation. The higher the value, the faster it rotates.
Duration - Determines how long the rotation will take place.
Continue will make the scene immediately continue.
Wait will make the scene wait until the exit animation is done.
Easing affects the animation of the rotation. More information can be seen in Easing Effects page.
Zoom in or out of your text.
Number - The text's index (ID) that you want to manipulate.
Zoom X - Affects the horizontal zoom of the text. Changes the horizontal height of the text visually without changing its set font size.
Zoom Y - Affects the vertical zoom of the text. Changes the vertical height of the text visually without changing its set font size.
Duration - The rate at which the image will alter its zoom percentage.
Continue will make the scene immediately continue.
Wait will make the scene wait until the zoom animation is done.
Easing affects the zoom animation. More information can be seen in Easing Effects page.
Manipulate the color of your selected text. This doesn't change the true text-color but just fills it with a color in a similar way like [Flash Picture]. So if your text has an outline, that outline is colored as well.
Number - The text's index (ID) that you want to manipulate.
Color Control
- Controls the text color. Use
the Red, Green, and Blue slider bars (0 to 255) to specify the color.
You can check the color you specified in the preview area on the top
side of the dialog box. Use Power to specify the color's opacity (0
to 255).
Setting Power to "0" makes the color completely transparent,
rendering it invisible on screen.
Duration - Determines how long the color-animation will take place.
Continue will make the scene immediately continue.
Wait will make the scene wait until the animation is done.
Easing affects the animation of the color. More information can be seen in Easing Effects page.
Remove text from the scene.
Number - The text's index (ID) that you want to remove from the screen.
Duration - The amount of time it will take for the text to disappear completely.
Continue will make the scene immediately continue.
Wait will make the scene wait until the exit animation is done.
Animation sets the movement of the text.
Movement is the origin point of the text where it will disappear to the Left/Top/Right/Bottom.
Blending allows you to fade out the text.
Masking allows you to mask the text to a Masks file.
Change text font type, size, and/or style.
Number - The text's index (ID) that you want to remove from the screen.
Font - Input the font you wish to apply to the text.
Size - Font size in pixels.
Style - Set an outline and shadow to your text. Only one o- f them can be activated at a time.
Color - The color of the text.
Bold - Makes the text bolder.
Italic - Makes the text oblique.
Small Caps - Makes lower-case letters appear as small upper-case/capitalized letters.
Underline - Draws a horizontal line under the text to make it look underlined.
Strikethrough - Draws a horizontal centered line over the text to make it look strike-through.
Line Spacing - Spacing between text-lines in pixels.
Outline - Add an outline to the text.
Outline - Add an outline to the text. Set Yes for an outline, and No to leave it turned off.
Color - Controls the outline
color. Use the Red, Green, and Blue slider bars (0 to 255) to
specify the color.
You can check the color you specified in the preview area on the
top side of the dialog box. Use Power to specify the color's opacity
(0 to 255).
Setting Power to "0" makes the color completely transparent,
rendering it invisible on screen.
Size - The thickness of the outline in pixels.
Shadow - Add a shadow to the text.
Shadow - Set Yes to turn shadows on, No to leave it turned off.
- Controls the shadow color. Use
the Red, Green, and Blue slider bars (0 to 255) to specify the color.
You can check the color you specified in the preview area on the top
side of the dialog box. Use Power to specify the color's opacity (0
to 255).
Setting Power to "0" makes the color completely transparent,
rendering it invisible on screen.
Offset-X - The horizontal offset of the shadow in pixels. The higher the value, the more the shadow is moved to the right.
Offset-Y - The vertical offset of the shadow in pixels. The higher the value, the more the shadow is moved to the bottom.
Padding - Add padding to your text. That is useful whenever you have larger shadows or outlines or any special style which makes the shadow, outline or text cut-off.
Left - The left-side padding in pixels.
Top - The top-side padding in pixels.
Right - The right-side padding in pixels.
Bottom - The bottom-size padding in pixels.
Allows you to create custom path of movement through the use of points and curves to move the text.
Number - The text's index (ID) that you want to move.
Path - Opens up a path editor that allows you to define the path via curves. You can press right click to delete a motion point or click at a free area to add a new motion point.
The S circle ()
is the start point of the motion.
The green circle () is a point in the motion
that allows you to have a more dynamic motion.
The yellow circle () adjusts the motion curve.
If you press a green circle (
), you can adjust
the motion for that path as well.
The E circle ()
is the end point of the motion.
Mirror Vertical - Flips the curve vertically.
Mirror Horizontal - Flips the curve horizontally.
Rotate 90* - Rotates the curve at 90 degrees.
Effects - Allows you to set sound effects at timed intervals while the background moves along the path.
Loop - Allows you to repeat the path for the extent of its duration.
None - Turns the loop off.
Normal - Loops the path from the end point.
Reversed - Loops the path in the opposite direction from the end point.
Duration - The time the motion has to finish in milliseconds.
Wait/Continue - Setting the command to wait means that the scene will wait for the motion to end before it loads the next command.
Updates a text displayed on the screen. For Example: If your text displays a value of a variable using a text-code, you need to call this
command when ever the variable has been changed to recalculate the text. This command can be time-consuming if over-used since it is re-rendering the entire text. That's especially the case on mobile devices / smartphones.
Number - The text's index (ID) that you want to refresh.
Applies an effect to a text..
Type - The effect that will be applied to the text.
Wobble makes the movie move in irregular and staggering motion. That only works if looping is disabled.
Power sets the intensity of the wobble. It makes the wobble effect more visible the higher it is.
Speed sets the speed of the wobble. The higher it is, the faster it is.
Orientation - Sets the wobble direction.
Vertical sets the wobble direction to the vertical direction.
Horizontal sets the wobble direction to the horizontal direction
Both sets the wobble direction to both directions.
Duration sets how long, in milliseconds, the effect will take place.
Blur has no effect on texts.
Pixelate makes the text appear pixelated/blocky.
Width sets the width of a single block/pixel.
Height sets the height of a single block/pixel.
Duration sets how much time, in milliseconds, it takes until the pixelation reaches the specified block/pixel-size. Use this to smoothly pixelate the text.
Easing applies tweening to the effect animation. More information can be seen in Easing Effects page.
Allows to override default values for text specific commands.
Appear Duration is the duration of the show-animation in milliseconds.
Disappear Duration is the duration of the erase-animation in milliseconds.
Appear Effects
Easing is the easing settings used for the show-animation.
Animation is the animation settings for the show-animation.
Disappear Effects
Easing is the easing settings used for the erase-animation.
Animation is the animation settings for the erase-animation.
Z-Order is the display-order of a text.
Motion Blur - Set Yes to apply motion blur, No to turn it off.
Spawn Time - The amount of copies created every two milliseconds. By default, the amount is 2.
Dissolve Speed - The rate at which the spawned copies dissipate. Specifically, the opacity of the copies are dropped every frame.
Opacity - The opacity the copied
image starts at the time it is spawned. By default, it is at 100.
For example, if the dissolve speed is 2, the shadow/ghost/particle
is completely invisible/dead after 50 milliseconds.