Easing is an animation technique that adds acceleration and deceleration to objects you want to move.

There are four types of Easing animations: Linear, Ease In, Ease Out, Ease In/Out.

While there are seven types of Varied Tweens: Quadratic, Quartic, Cubic, Sinusoidal (Sine), Qintic, Exponential and Circula.




Linear means that the object will animate in equal amounts of value/velocity and time.



There is no acceleration or deceleration






Ease In

Ease In means the object will start from zero value/velocity and then speeds up.


Accelerating from zero value



Ease Out

Ease Out means the object will start fast and then slows down to a stop.


Decelerating to zero value



Ease In/Out

Ease In/Out is half-half of the motion of Ease In and Ease Out. A visual example of Ease In/Out movement is an Elevator.


Accelerating until halfway

where it decelerates.



Varied Tweens

Varied Tweens are just different ways to do the easing motions based on a certain equation.

What's listed here is nothing more than a quick summary of the tweens. If you would like a more in-depth explanation, we will provide the links below.



For more information and visual guide, you can visit the websites below: